
Newgrange: Older Than the Oldest Pyramid and Stonehenge

Newgrange monument

A Journey Back in Time

Just an hour north of Dublin lies a prehistoric marvel, home to one of the world’s most breathtaking light shows every 21st of December – Newgrange. Built around 3200 BC, this Neolithic monument predates the oldest Egyptian pyramid and Stonehenge. Part of the Brú na Bóinne complex, Newgrange stands as a testament to the builders’ engineering, artistic, and astronomical prowess, as well as their religious beliefs.

Who Constructed This Ancient Wonder?

While it is widely believed that native Irish people built Newgrange, theories involving Vikings, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and Romans as possible builders have emerged. Could there be any truth to these claims?

Rediscovering Newgrange: The Journey Begins

Charles Campbell inadvertently rediscovered Newgrange in 1699. Early investigators of the site recorded different measurements and proposed a range of theories about the origins of the mound. Pioneering scholars, such as George Petrie, helped establish the link between the monument and early Irish literature, recognizing its religious significance beyond being a mere mausoleum.

A Celestial Connection: The Sun, the Moon, and Newgrange

Charles Vallancey’s 1786 survey suggested that the tomb was linked to Chaldean sun worship. Later, Michael O’Kelly’s extensive survey from 1962 to 1975 shed light on Newgrange’s solar significance and its connection to a “cult of the dead.” O’Kelly also rediscovered the “roof-box,” leading to the famous Winter Solstice illumination of the main chamber. Astronomical studies have since confirmed this phenomenon as a deliberate aspect of the monument’s design.

Tracing the Origins: Who Built Newgrange?

O’Kelly believed that the megalithic culture of Britain and Ireland emerged as people transitioned from being hunter-gatherers to settled farming communities. However, recent DNA findings suggest that around 5,800 years ago, Ireland was colonized by Iberian descendants of west-moving Anatolian farmers who eventually assimilated with the existing Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. These newcomers may have established a ruling dynasty that buried its elite members at Newgrange.

Debunking Myths and Alternative Theories

While some early investigators proposed that the monument was built by the Romans, Vikings, Ancient Egyptians, or Phoenicians, these theories have largely been discredited due to the age of Newgrange and a lack of substantial evidence.

A Lingering Enigma: Newgrange’s Unanswered Questions

Despite extensive research, several questions remain unanswered, such as how the heavy stones were transported to the site, the true meaning of the megalithic “pick dressing” that adorns many of the stones, and whether these designs had astronomical or religious significance. As experts continue to unravel the mysteries of Newgrange, this ancient wonder will continue to captivate and intrigue generations to come.

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